
TeaScript has many variables which are pre-initalized to various values but you can also use them for custom variables:


To assign a variable you can easier use a shorthand or the native JavaScript ways.


Using ƒ

This can be used to assign functions both recursive and not. To learn more about this operator, see ƒ Operator.

f=(l,i)=>l<1?i:f(l--,i++) // Before
ƒl<1?i:l--:i++            // After

f=l=>{for(i=0;i<l;i*=i)} // Before
ƒ{for(i=0;i<l;i*=i       // After

Assignment Operator

You an also just use the assignment operator to assign variables. Some one-letter variables are already preassigned so you may be able to skip the definition.

var i=0;  // Before
i=0;      // After

Predefined variables

The predefined variables can be overwritten.

Variables Value
p " "
u ""
n "\n"
dfjkv 0
o 1
g 2
e 10
h 100
m 16
f false
½ 1/2
¼ 1/4
π 3.14159265358979323846
Φ 1.61803398874989484820

for(var j=0;j<x;j++); // Before
for(;j<x;j++);        // After