Getting Started

Getting started with TeaScript is very easy especially if you have prior JavaScript knowledge.

This was the main goal of TeaScript was a JavaScript golfing language that was JavaScript but with shorter property names. This slowly evolved but TeaScript is backwards compatible so every JavaScript program is a valid TeaScript program


Literals are very simple in TeaScript as they are the same as JavaScript literals


They are three types of strings

"Double Quoted String Literal"
'Single Quoted String Literal'
`String templates`

String templates have a few extra features such as:

`String templates support inline
newlines and code such as ${2+1}`


Numbers are also, just numbers:

12345 // Decimal
12.34 // Decimal
1e23) // Scientific Notation
0xFA) // Hexadecimal
0b10) // Binary
0o18) // Octal


TeaScript has support for RegExp literals and they’re just the same as JavaScript


By TeaScript 3.1, I hope to have XRegExp, implemented which should allow your RegExp literals to look like:



Functions are the same as JavaScript too.

(a,b,c)=>a+b+c // Arguments[a,b,c] adds them together
a=>a           // Single argument a, returns a

This is quite lengthy so I’ve added the # operator which automatically expands to (l,i,a,b)=> at compile time

#l+i+a  // Arguments[l,i,a,b] adds first 3


Input Options

The user can decide how (s)he wants the input. TeaScript supports all of the following input types:

  • String (default)
  • Number
  • Array

Getting the Input

The input is stored in various variables:

Input # Variable Name
1 x
2 y
3 z

Need More inputs? An array of all the inputs is stored in the _ variable.

If the input is an array, the 1st input will be split upon , and each item will become a seperate input. For the code:

Input 1,Input 2,Input 3

The values are:

Input Value Variable Name
Input 1 x
Input 2 y
Input 3 z